Wasn't yesterday's press conference at Allen Park supposed to be about the Lions, and their new head coach, Rod Marinelli? Yet as I watched the tape of the presser again last night, and listened to some audio of the interviews conducted afterwards, it seemed like there were people in attendance more interested in
being the story than writing one.
(Photo by Bill Emkow/ MLive.com)It reminded me of a comment the
Houston Chronicle's Richard Justice made on his blog
a couple of months ago. To me, Justice is one of the best sportswriters/ columnists in the country (and not just because of his superhero name). Not only is he a good writer with great instincts and insights, but he has a strong sense of what makes a good story. He knows how to do his job, and doesn't get swayed by what the fans think he should be doing.
Here's what he had to say about grandstanding journalists:
First rule of journalism is this: if you've got a good question, if you're really looking for information, you don't ask it in a news conference.
Whenever you hear a reporter asking a tough question in a news conference, that reporter isn't interested in the answer. He's only interested in letting everyone know how tough he is.
Hmm, does that apply to anyone you saw or heard at the Marinelli press conference?
Later in the post, he demonstrates how reporters really get information, and what sorts of questions they ask. They don't fling unanswerable questions at someone in some fraudulent display of bravado and phony machismo.

Quien es mas macho,
Rob Parker? Wow, what a tough guy. No wonder he calls himself "America's angry black sports columnist." Did he have his shirt unbuttoned with full chest hair showing when he told Marinelli that "fans were tired of the talk," and asked if the Lions were going to make the playoffs next year. Greg Eno used the word "
asinine" to describe Parker's question, which seems entirely appropriate. Journalism professors should use it as an example of what kinds of questions
not to ask.
For one thing, it's essentially asking for a "yes" or "no" answer, which doesn't make for a good quote. And, as
Evan said in response to yesterday's post, what the hell was Marinelli supposed to say? In his column for
today's Detroit News, Parker envisions the answer he (and, ostensibly, we) wanted:
"Of course, we are going to make the playoffs next season. There's enough talent here to get that done. We just have to get some things straightened out. And if we don't make the playoffs in the next season or two, I won't be here. You guys will be right back here with a new coach."
Isn't making the playoffs an
obvious expectation for the Detroit Lions? If it wasn't, Marinelli wouldn't have been introduced as the Lions' new coach yesterday. Back here in reality, Parker knew Marinelli wasn't going to answer that question (or his ridiculous query about Marinelli's age). And it was silly to expect that the coach would. But Parker was going to ask it anyway. Why? Because he wants to show how big his
huevos rancheros are, with everyone watching. He wanted to ask the "tough questions" that no one else in the press corps was asking. And by doing so, he was making himself the story.
And hey, maybe it worked. I'm not writing about Mitch Albom's questions on quarterbacks, am I?
But Parker wasn't the only cowboy in the press corps yesterday. After the press conference, the
Detroit Free Press' Drew Sharp asked Matt Millen why Detroit fans should believe his third coaching hire will be right this time. And the
Oakland Press' Pat Caputo asked Millen about
his accountability, pointing a finger for emphasis. More bold questions - the kinds that fans and readers supposedly want their sportswriters to ask. The kinds of questions that
need to be asked!
But no, they don't
need to be asked. Not when they won't generate a good answer. Not when their only intent is to make the subject squirm and/ or frown. Maybe that makes for a great sound bite (and Caputo's buddies at
WXYT were patting him all over the back yesterday for taking on Millen) or a funny clip on TV when Millen testily answers, "How do you want me to answer that question?"
But is it really good journalism? Did you learn anything more about Matt Millen or the Lions' plans after those questions? (I suppose some might say yes.) Did you think Millen was going to reconsider his plans right there on the spot and resign? So what was really accomplished, other than looking tough in the eyes of fans and colleagues? Did those writers get any good copy for their articles today? Parker had to
make up Marinelli's answers to fill out his column.
I'm really not trying to tell these guys how to do their jobs. Okay, maybe I am. But I like journalists. I admire sportswriters. I'd love to be one, in case this blog didn't tell you otherwise. But just as the Parkers, Sharps, and Caputos of the world were presumably demanding more from Marinelli and Millen yesterday, I'm asking for more from the reporters and columnists who cover the teams I follow.
You probably thought yesterday's press conference was about you. Didn't you? But guess what - I didn't pick up today's newspapers to read about
you. I wanted to read about the Lions' new head coach. Write the story, don't
be the story.
▪▪ Check out Tom Kowalski's thoughts on his colleagues' behavior, courtesy of MLive's
Highlight Reel.
Labels: media, Rob Parker